Posts Tagged ‘Trooper
The Chincoteague Ponies take to Sledding
Finally this past weekend I got a chance to do something I’ve been waiting to do for a while now! With some snow that stuck around long enough for me to enjoy it I lugged one of my snow tubes to the farm to go sledding with the ponies!
We rigged up a make-shift harness with an old breast plate and an elastic wrap to keep it tied around their middle. Now if your horse is already accustomed to pulling a cart than pulling a sled isn’t much different, however none of our ponies have ever pulled a cart.
Having already exposed all three of our chincoteagues to dragging objects behind them (old grain bags, tarps, etc) we figured they’d probably take to pulling a sled too. Boomerang was the first pony we brought out because he’s probably the most laid back and willing.
All it took were a few clicks and rewards to reinforce him for pulling the sled (which I did by walking on the ground with him first) and he pretty much knew the drill. I went another round and placed the Humber Sport Ice Fishing equipment on the sled and he did just fine.
Eventually I hopped on him bareback and asked him for more. Pretty soon he was cantering around happily – in fact he was so ok with it that we eventually broke out the snowboard too!
I love how the clicker training I use with my ponies has prepared Boomer so well to try anything. When I reward him for his efforts he’s so willing to give me all he can – positive reinforcement goes a long way!
Minnow was next and despite being a little cautious about the sled at first he was very willing to pull along a passenger. Minnow will always try his heart out for me, and I had no doubt he’d be willing to pull the sled if I asked him.
Blitz took a turn with the sled too, and my mom even hopped on him bareback (something she hadn’t done since she had her accident while riding bareback with him several years ago).
We had so much fun that now we have something to look forward to the next time it snows!
Have you ever been sledding with your horses?
Announcing the Super Pony! DVD Release
The day has finally come! It’s time to announce the official release of the brand-new Super Pony DVD, staring the talented Minnow from Painting Pony and his sidekick, Ammo the Dachshund!
Thanks to my talented brother and Depthink Productions, we began filming for the DVD this past summer, and I’m so excited that it’s finally ready to share with everyone! I think everyone will really enjoy getting to learn more about all the ponies and watch several of Minnow & Ammo’s favorite “super” performances.
Check out the DVD Trailer:
Trainer, Kyley DiLuigi, introduces us to Super Pony, the alter ego of the talented Chincoteague Pony, Minnow! Watch as he shows us some of his favorite trick performances, many of which have been performed at expos, fairs, schools, and even the Annual Chincoteague Pony Penning. Several performances also include Minnow’s lovable sidekick, Ammo the Dachshund, as well as other members of the Painting Pony crew. In addition to 5 featured videos, this DVD also contains 2 bonus videos: a visit to Iron Horse Farm, home to the Painting Ponies; and a talk given by Kyley about everyone’s favorite Chincoteague Pony, Misty of Chincoteague.
In 2007, Painting Pony was founded when Kyley DiLuigi decided to bring her paints from art school out to the farm where she kept her 14-year-old pony, Minnow. That cold winter day Minnow became the World’s First Painting Chincoteague Pony as he created his very first masterpiece. As it became evident that Minnow had a gift that he truly loved, the paintings he created began to pile higher and higher. Feeling the need to share Minnow’s art with the world, Kyley started and the rest is history!
The Super Pony DVD is approx. 20 minutes and is available for purchase at $12 in our shop.
There is still plenty of time to order your copy for Holiday Gifts!
As a special gift to all our followers, enter code FREESHIP at checkout to receive free shipping on your entire order! (domestic orders only).
You can grab your own copy HERE, and we also have great gift sets available that include this DVD HERE.
A Visit from the Dentist
Yesterday we got a visit from the horse dentist at the farm.
Scary tools and all – the ponies are quite relaxed about the whole situation.
I’m always so proud when my three little Chincoteague ponies (even wild-born Minnow) stand quietly while the dentist does his thing to clean their teeth. None of them are ever sedated.
All the ponies got an A++ on their teeth as the dentist remarked what great teeth the Chincoteagues on the farm had (even 19 year old Minnow).
The dogs of course were very glad that this dentist didn’t also do canine teeth.
And everyone was very relieved when Minnow returned back to his normal looking self (without the scary robot mask)!
Versatile Chincoteague Ponies
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted something, but that doesn’t mean the ponies haven’t been BUSY! We’ve held a few events at the farm, and all the ponies have been getting exercised regularly in preparation for a very special trip we’re taking this weekend.
We’re loading up the trailer and taking all three ponies down to Chincoteague Island, Virginia to participate in a beach ride on Assateague Island with our friends from the Chincoteague Pony Centre! I’m so excited to ride MY ponies on the beach for the very first time ever – and to also bring Minnow back to the island where he was born 18 years ago.
I’ve had this trip on my bucket list for a long time now and even though the weather this weekend is looking not so great – I’m still excited to go on this adventure.
Part of the adventure is being able to ride on the beach, and considering Minnow has been in retirement since 2008 due to his ringbone, I figured it was time for him to be saddled up. Minnow hasn’t had a saddle on in about 2 years and although I do exercise him to keep his weight down and occasionally hop on him bareback I needed to make sure he remembered what a girth felt like before our beach ride. Mostly likely Minnow will just do some light walking on the beach and Boomerang will take me on the 2 hour ride, but it was still important to get a practice saddling in before the trip.

Minnow practicing his Spanish Walk
So after one of our shows at the farm we decided to run all three ponies through the obstacle course we had set up (none of the ponies had done this specific course before). Below are videos of all three ponies completing the course. Minnow did exceptionally well considering he hasn’t really been ridden in 2 years (he does get exercised regularly in the ring by allowing him to free-lounge himself) – it’s such a testament to how much he really trusts me.
So if you were our judge who would have won? We typically judge on accuracy, how relaxed & willing the horse is, and how the rider executes the tasks (speed is not a factor) – this would of been a tough one to judge between our 3 ponies – just goes to show what a great attitude these Chincoteague Ponies have.
Anyone else ever ridden their horse on the beach? Did you know that Assateague Island allows beach rides in the fall season, and you can even camp on the island with your horse. So if it’s your dream too – it is possible!
Chadds Ford Days
This past weekend we attended the Chadds Ford Dog Days of Summer II event. Having never been to this event it was a new experience for all of us including the pony and the dogs.
Minnow (and the dogs) had a new encounter with a cow named LuLu and her cute 8 month old calf, Annabelle.
I’m really not sure if Minnow had ever been this close to cows before, although he did spend some of his life living on an Amish Farm – so it’s probably pretty likely that he had at least seen them before. In the beginning I was a little worried about him, because he was utterly terrified of them as they approached his corral on Saturday morning.
But, about an hour later he had decided that they were to be his new friends – and I think he actually started to enjoy hearing them Moo at him – reminding him that he wasn’t the only livestock hanging out all weekend at a fair.
Minnow painted several pieces each day (which we will share soon) and showed off some of his favorite tricks to the crowds.
And after Ammo had a chance to show off some of his tricks, we handed out little trading cards to all the kids, which I think they really enjoyed.
By the end of the weekend we were all pretty exhausted, including the dogs.
I think we all need a well deserved rest this week!
So what about you? Have your horses/dogs ever met cows before? Anyone on the East Coast ever hold a “cow introduction” clinic? Blitz actually has plans to visit a farm soon to start working cows & I’m hoping to take Boomerang at some point too. Or did we meet any of you this weekend at the Chadds Ford Days? We’d love to hear from you!
You can check out more photos from this weekend on Ammo’s Blog! And we’ll be back soon with a post to show some of Minnow’s new paintings!