Posts Tagged ‘ryerss farm for aged equines
SAVE THE DATE! Minnow to Perform
Minnow the Painting Pony will be visiting Pottstown, Pennsylvania to perform this summer!
Minnow the Painting Pony and Ammo the Dachshund will be attending the Ryerss Family Fun Day on Saturday, June 13th from 12 – 4pm. (rain date is June 14th)
Minnow will be painting and showing off tricks and Ammo will be performing some of his famous super hero moves! We’ll even be selling Minnow’s paintings and donating a portion to our friends at Ryerss to help feed and care for the retired horses on the farm.
And don’t worry, even if you aren’t local we will be sure to share all the details on the blog afterwards!
when: Saturday, June 13th (rain date June 14th)
what: Ryerss Family Fun Day
where: Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines – Pottstown, Pennsylvania
P.S. if you want to find out more about past performances we’ve done, be sure to check out our archives!
Helping Others
After the first of the year Painting Pony starts looking into where we want to send out charitable contributions that the ponies have raised throughout the previous year.
As stated on our website, we typically donate 10% of all canvas sales to the Chincoteague Pony Association – to help feed and care for the wild ponies on Assateague Island. Any extra we raise we like to help out other organizations such as the Main Line Animal Rescue, Large Animal Protection Society, SPCA, The Feather Fund, etc.
When I was down on Chincoteague Island this past year for pony penning I had heard that recently the Chincoteague Pony Association made some administrative changes. Thinking nothing much of it at the time (other than the fact that in 2010 you could no longer “really” register a foal bought at the auction for the time being) – I am now finding it increasingly difficult to contact someone about where I should send my donation. The Chincoteague Pony Association website is no longer functioning (I don’t know why!) – and even with trying to go through The Chincoteague Volunter Fire Company I am not having luck. Although, they do have a strange link up on their site now that says you can register your Chincoteague Pony Online. The Fire Company is the group who actually cares for the ponies on the island – so I thought sending a donation to them would still serve the same purpose, but alas no one will get back to me.

"Sea Foam" by Chincoteague Minnow
Well anyway, I fear if I just send my donation into the abyss it will end up in the wrong hands, and ultimately not end up going to the ponies I am trying to help at all.
So I have decided to divide my donation up this year, and pass it out to as many charitable groups as I can. Below is a list of organizations that we have decided to help this year.
Large Animal Protection Society
Thanks to all the rescue groups & non-profits out there that do their part to help animals.
Much Love,
Kyley, Chincoteague Minnow, Chesapeake Lightning, Chesapeake Boomerang and Ammo the Dachshund