Posts Tagged ‘ride
Sponsor Welcome: Saddle Up
We’re very excited to welcome our new sponsor, Saddle Up! You might remember that we were first introduced to Saddle Up when my mom and I purchased treeless saddles from them over the summer.
The owner of Saddle Up, Paulita Neff, was amazing to work with. She answered my MANY e-mails with questions about the saddles and what would work best for Boomerang and I. In the end I came away with the Freeform Classic BTF Treeless Saddle, which fits Boomerang amazingly well.
Having been someone who really didn’t know anything about treeless saddles before this experience I am now convinced this is the only type of saddle that I will ever own again. Not only can I use it on any horse I have from here on out, but I have never had a more comfortable ride. They aren’t just for endurance riders either! I’ve been using mine in mounted games, cross country, versatility competitions, and even jumping in it.
We are thrilled to have Saddle Up as one of our sponsors, and we hope you’ll check out their website and facebook page to learn more about treeless saddles.
The Ponies visit Assateague
Last weekend the ponies and Ammo the Dachshund went on a very special trip. We rounded everyone up and made the 4 hour trek down to Assateague Island, Virginia to ride on the beach with our friends from the Chincoteague Pony Centre.
I’ve been waiting my whole life to make this trip and ride on the beach with my ponies, and I was thrilled to be able to share this trip with Minnow, Blitz, Boomerang, Ammo and my mom.
We left behind a freak October snowstorm in PA on Saturday to head to the rainy (but atleast not snowy) island. We were fortunate to have a place for the ponies to stay at a friends farm and on Sunday morning we drove the ponies out to the island for their very first beach ride.

Chincoteague Minnow
For Minnow it was a sort of homecoming as he was born on the island 18 years ago, but for Blitz and Boomerang it was a completely new experience.
I’ve been to the Assateague beach before, but riding across the dunes on horseback was an entirely new and amazing experience. I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful it was, the sun glistening off the ocean as the huge waves came crashing down all around us. We even witnessed two bald eagles taking flight off the beach.
All the ponies dipped their feet into the ocean and seemed utterly at home on the island, a special place that they are all tied to. My mom and I vowed that this would not be the last time we galloped along the beach with our boys.

Chesapeake Boomerang
After our 2 hour ride I took the opportunity to take as many pictures as possible of the ponies as the waves crashed down behind them. I even broke out their painting easel and Minnow’s super hero ensemble.

Chincoteague Minnow

Chincoteague Minnow
As Minnow began to enthusiastically pose along the beach he started to draw a small crowd. People began asking questions until someone in the crowd recognized who he was. I felt like we were being followed by the paparazzi as cameras flashed around us and people exclaimed that they were meeting a celebrity. I’m sure Minnow was feeling very important.

Chincoteague Minnow
Boomerang also got his turn to shine as I asked him to laydown on the beach – and he happily obliged even as the ocean waves rolled towards him. I even got him to sit, a trick we have only just begun working on. Boomer really is an amazing pony and so willing to do almost anything I ask of him.

Chesapeake Boomerang

Chesapeake Boomerang
Blitz took his turn in front of the camera and showed off what a super model he is. I’ve always said he’s the most gorgeous of our ponies and he definitely did not disappoint. Blitz also had a very special experience as we were down visiting, because his mom was on the island (and also Blitz & Boomer’s sire).

Chesapeake Lightning

Chesapeake Lightning
We got to meet Tidewater Fable aka L’Eggs, Blitz’s beautiful solid bay dam. We instantly realized where Blitz got his looks from, and also his timid tenancies. I dreamed of L’Eggs nickering and Blitz calling back with an enthusiastic “MOM!” – although of course none of that happened and I’m pretty sure neither even knew the other was there. I can dream though!

Tidewater Fable - Blitz's Dam

Tidewater Fable - Blitz's Dam

Chesapeake Powhattan's Promise - Blitz and Boomer's Sire
After our beach ride we trailered the ponies over to Pony Pines for their end of the year fun show. By this point the ponies were getting very good at loading and unloading on our new 3 horse step-up trailer. It was great practice for them and by the end of the trip they were pros at trailer loading.
At the fun show my mom and I entered in a handful of the fun classes. We won the ribbon race as well as the hilarious wheelbarrow race (where one rider pushed the other in a wheelbarrow while leading a pony). I also took Boomerang in their version of the Extreme Cowboy Race. Boomer impressed me by doing a water ditch jump, mastering a massive bridge, navigating through brush and even jumping a scary black plastic tube. I was very proud of him as he galloped across the hilly terrain course they had created behind the farm.
Ironically immediately following we entered into the Chincotaegue Pony Pleasure Class – I should have foreseen how amped up Boomer would be after racing through the hills. Lets just say we were done for as soon as they asked us to canter and Boomer went bronco bucking around the arena. I had to laugh.
At the end of the evening Minnow got a chance to shine as he dressed up in his Super Hero Costume with best pal Ammo (aka Rocket Dog) for the costume class. They came home with a blue for the most unique costume and I think both of them were very pleased with themselves.
Before we headed home on Sunday we took one last trip out to Assateague to get some more pictures and enjoy the view. It was such an amazing trip and I hope it won’t be our last!
A special thanks to all of our friends who made it possible for us to visit!
You can check out more photos from our trip on our facebook page. I should be back soon with some more photos and videos to share too!
Gypsy Vanner Ride
If you read this blog on a regular basis than you know that I’m a self proclaimed Chincoteague Pony Lover. I tell myself that I’ll never own another breed again (this may or may not be true – but I certainly am a fan of the breed). It’s also a rare occasion that I actually ride another breed, considering 3 out of our 5 family horses are Chincoteague Ponies. So when I had the chance to ride a Gypsy Vanner at a farm down the street (to help a friend out) I was excited to try something new.
The 4 year old mare I rode was Sattui (who is for sale at El Brio Vanner). At 4 years old she reminded me of an experienced horse who had “been there done that” – definitely not your typical 4 year old. I got Boomerang when he was 4 years old and his maturity level was not even close to Sattui’s. Boomer could barely hold himself together (his balance was horrendous, especially on the trail) and he used any chance he got to act like a baby. Although to be fair Chincotaegue ponies mature MUCH later than most breeds.
From what I hear Gypsy Vanners are a very level-headed breed. Great as quiet trail horses among other things and just an all around safe horse that anyone can ride. And after taking my first ride on one, I believe it.
I helped my friend out by riding Sattui all “Dressagey” for a sale video – never mind the fact that I haven’t actually ridden a horse in a dressage frame in say maybe 4 years. Lets just say my abs aren’t the only thing that is sore!
It was a fun experience, and coming from someone that has never ridden a Gypsy Vanner before I can attest to what a nice breed they are (just don’t tell my Chincoteague Ponies).
If you are in the market for a nice horse be sure to check out El Brio Vanner, they have a great selection of made horses as well as foals and mares in foal!
P.S. El Brio Vanner is also home to the famous, Odd Job Bob, the movie star! Read all about him here.