Posts Tagged ‘pedestal
Farm Life
Today I simply have some photos to share that I took over the weekend at Iron Horse Farm. I hope they are able to brighten your day – a good pony photo always makes you smile! Enjoy the nice weather, and give your horse a hug today!

Boomerang taking a roll

Boomer playing with the tuff ball

Ammo wanting to be a trick pony too

My 3 favorite Chincoteague Ponies
Master Painter

Silver Raindrops by Chincoteague Minnow
So as I mentioned yesterday, Chincoteague Minnow created three new paintings during my family’s barn opening party on June 20th. I was able to get them uploaded to the website yesterday, where they are now available for purchase. You can check out all the paintings Minnow has available by clicking here.

Partly Cloudy by Chincoteague Minnow
Next Monday Minnow will be performing and painting t-shirts for a local group of campers at Iron Horse Farm. I think everyone will have a blast with this project – Minnow will certainly enjoy the attention!
In other (unrelated) news – my “Dachshund House” seems to be moving along (the home that I am trying to buy because my Dachshund will love it). The sellers accepted
our offer and now we move onto inspections – keep you fingers crossed for us, my husband and I are very much looking forward to having a place to call our own. We will definitely be decorating the house with artwork done by The Trick Ponies of Chincoteague. And I can’t lie that I contemplated letting Minnow come over and “paint the walls” – you have to admit that would probably be a first, but I’m not sure I could get my husband to consent.

Minnow stands on the pedestal with all 4 feet for the first time
Minnow Performs
On Saturday we had our big barn party to celebrate the opening of Iron Horse Farm. Despite the on and off downpours of rain we had a pretty good turnout. The rain even cleared enough so that Minnow could paint and perform for party attendees. Minnow seemed to be a big hit as all the children gathered around to watch him. He created 3 new paintings – one of which I decided to keep because it turned out to be a colaborative effort between Minnow and my Dachshund, Ammo (who ran across the painting while it was wet giving it some very neat paw print marks). Perhaps Ammo will be the next artist in the barn.
Minnow was definitely on his game on Saturday – as soon as crowds appear he becomes the little showman. He performed all his tricks flawlessly and even for the first time got on his pedestal with all 4 feet. I thought he was quite impressive and I was very proud of him!
Pedestal Work
My weekend was filled with family, horses and dogs – those are always the best kind of weekends. On Saturday I spent time with Minnow working on new tricks – getting him ready for his upcoming performance in Chincoteague. I’m starting to feel the crunch – I have a lot still to teach him and not a ton of time.
I’m determined to teach Minnow to stand on his pedestal with all four feet before pony penning. I think it would be quite impressive, and he’s just about there…hopefully I have enough time to polish the trick. You can watch the video below of me clicker training Minnow to perform this trick.
Make a Wish

Happy Birthday Blitz!
Today Blitz turns 7 years old! He still acts like a yearling sometimes though, I think he will never fully grow up. His younger brother Boomerang (who is 6 years old this year) is more grown-up than Blitz. But thats part of why I love Blitz, he has a playful attitude which is always fun when trick training. So here’s to never growing up!
Yesterday I went out to the farm after work to mess around with the horses. Boomer gets access to a small paddock and his stall during the day because he tends to stock up when left in. I had been leaving the ponies’ pedestal in the paddock because its an easy place to work with them on a regular basis. I had been noticing that the last couple days it seemed as if there were hoof marks on the top of it – indicating that Boomer was using it while I wasn’t there. Well sure enough when I arrived at the barn, there he was just hanging around on the pedestal. Pretty interesting considering just a few months ago Boomer was so awkward and unsure of his feet that he nearly toppled off the pedestal everytime when asked to stand on it. It was evident he was much more aware of his feet now. I was able to snap a few photos of Boomer hanging around on his new favorite spot.
Later I pulled Minnow out and worked on getting him to stand on his pedestal with all 4 feet. We had a breakthrough in that he began offering me 3 feet consistantly and I even got him to stand on it with 4 feet for a few seconds. I think its going to take a few more tries before he realizes how to balance himself – but I’m confident that I can have him doing it by Pony Penning time!