Posts Tagged ‘farm life
Chincoteague Ponies Play in the Snow
We haven’t gotten near as much snow this year as we did last year, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t gotten any. On March 1st we got a little bit of snow, and I took the opportunity to take some photos of the dogs and the ponies playing in the snow.
And this last shot is my very favorite shot of the day, Minnow’s super sweet eye. He’s just so special. The snow is beautiful, but hopefully spring is just around the corner, because we can’t wait to get out and ride more!
P.S. want to see more photos of the dogs in the snow, be sure to head on over to Ammo’s Blog!
Rainy Day on the Farm
I’ll admit, I’ve been taking it a little easy since we’ve returned from the Extreme Cowboy Race. Those 6 weeks leading up to the event were pretty intense, so for most of March I’ve been enjoying taking things a little slower. The ponies are still being worked, in fact Minnow has begun a little exercise regime – to shed some pounds before the Spring grass hits. Being that he has Ringbone (equine arthritis) he can’t be ridden like he used to, so instead I’ve been hand walking him through the woods & bareback riding him in the arena (mostly walking with a little bit of trotting). Although Minnow is still as feisty as ever, and on occasion he decides that a little case of arthritis isn’t going to keep him from racing around at top speed.
Mostly though, I’ve been enjoying just spending time with the boys and catching up on things at home. And all of us can appreciate when a little rain forces us to take things even slower.




