Posts Tagged ‘charity
Minnow visits the Ryerss Farm For Aged Equines
Last weekend Painting Pony visited the Ryerss Farm for their annual Family Fun Day.
Ryerss is a non-profit in Chester County, Pennsylvania that cares for aged, and abused or injured horses by providing a home where they can spend their golden years out to pasture. The horses at Ryerss are never worked, go to auction or are used for experiments. They simply spend their days grazing and enjoying life with their friends on the farm.
Painting Pony has been big supporters of Ryerss since the very beginning, and it’s one of the charity organizations that we donate a percentage of our sales to each year, in my opinion, it is one of the best fundraising ideas I have ever seen.
In fact, when I was a kid our local 4-H club used to visit Ryerss every year to groom the old horses on the farm. So it was fun to go back with my own “aged equine” (Minnow is 21 this year) and help to raise money for their farm.
Both Minnow and Ammo the Dachshund drew big crowds during each of our performances throughout the day. Minnow painted 3 original works of art, which are now available for purchase in our online shop.
“Where the Grass is Greener” by Chincoteague Minnow
“Brushstrokes” by Chincoteague Minnow
“You Have My Heart” by Chincoteague Minnow
Both Ammo and Minnow had a blast showing off some of their favorite tricks for everyone. Below is a collection of photos from our day at Ryerss ….
For even more fun, make sure you check out the video on Instagram, and you can read Ammo’s recap of the day on his blog!
Don’t forget to check out the newest work by Minnow in our online shop! Your purchases help to support animal rescues and charity groups.
–Kyley & The Painting Ponies
SAVE THE DATE! Minnow to Perform
Minnow the Painting Pony will be visiting Pottstown, Pennsylvania to perform this summer!
Minnow the Painting Pony and Ammo the Dachshund will be attending the Ryerss Family Fun Day on Saturday, June 13th from 12 – 4pm. (rain date is June 14th)
Minnow will be painting and showing off tricks and Ammo will be performing some of his famous super hero moves! We’ll even be selling Minnow’s paintings and donating a portion to our friends at Ryerss to help feed and care for the retired horses on the farm.
And don’t worry, even if you aren’t local we will be sure to share all the details on the blog afterwards!
when: Saturday, June 13th (rain date June 14th)
what: Ryerss Family Fun Day
where: Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines – Pottstown, Pennsylvania
P.S. if you want to find out more about past performances we’ve done, be sure to check out our archives!
Giving Back
Each year the ponies and Ammo the Dachshund make contributions to some of their favorite Charitable Organizations. It makes us feel good to be able to support groups that care for other animals in need. Minnow himself was a past victim of neglect and I think it’s a very special thing that with the money he earns through his amazing paintings we are able to help other animals in need.
This year we selected three special organizations to donate to. The newly formed organization, The Chincoteague Pony Rescue, is very near and dear to our hearts – who’s mission is to provide quality care and treatment of the Chincoteague ponies through intervention, education, proper placement into forever homes and to prevent over breeding. We are proud to be able to support their efforts in protecting and saving this very special breed.
We also chose to support our local L.A.P.S. (Large Animal Protection Society) group who’s mission is to stop cruelty to large animals in the community.
And lastly we decided to support the Main Line Animal Rescue, which has helped thousands of animals find new homes while launching one of the most successful anti-puppy mill campaigns in the history of animal welfare. MLAR celebrates the special bond between companion animals and the people who love them – through rescue, adoption, education and community outreach.
It’s important to do our part to support the groups who dedicate so much time to helping animals in need. With our support perhaps they will be able to rescue one more animal or save one more starving pet. For more information on how to make a donation to these groups, follow these links:
Misty Meadows Benefit Art Show
“Tangerine” by Chincoteague Minnow
Giving back is always something I have been very passionate about, and animal related charities/non-profits hold a soft spot in my heart.
That’s why this year Chincoteague Minnow has donated one of his original paintings to the Misty Meadow’s Art Show.
Misty Meadows Mitey Riders is a therapeutic riding program located in Weddington, NC. Mitey Riders is home to 5 NARHA certified instructors, 70+ special needs children (and their families!), and many amazing equine partners.
We love the message behind Mitey Riders, and jumped at the chance to send them one of Minnow’s amazing paintings for their charity art show. So if you are in the North Carolina area be sure to sign up to attend the event held March 18 – 20th, where you will have the chance to purchase amazing artwork, all for a good cause!
Helping Others
After the first of the year Painting Pony starts looking into where we want to send out charitable contributions that the ponies have raised throughout the previous year.
As stated on our website, we typically donate 10% of all canvas sales to the Chincoteague Pony Association – to help feed and care for the wild ponies on Assateague Island. Any extra we raise we like to help out other organizations such as the Main Line Animal Rescue, Large Animal Protection Society, SPCA, The Feather Fund, etc.
When I was down on Chincoteague Island this past year for pony penning I had heard that recently the Chincoteague Pony Association made some administrative changes. Thinking nothing much of it at the time (other than the fact that in 2010 you could no longer “really” register a foal bought at the auction for the time being) – I am now finding it increasingly difficult to contact someone about where I should send my donation. The Chincoteague Pony Association website is no longer functioning (I don’t know why!) – and even with trying to go through The Chincoteague Volunter Fire Company I am not having luck. Although, they do have a strange link up on their site now that says you can register your Chincoteague Pony Online. The Fire Company is the group who actually cares for the ponies on the island – so I thought sending a donation to them would still serve the same purpose, but alas no one will get back to me.

"Sea Foam" by Chincoteague Minnow
Well anyway, I fear if I just send my donation into the abyss it will end up in the wrong hands, and ultimately not end up going to the ponies I am trying to help at all.
So I have decided to divide my donation up this year, and pass it out to as many charitable groups as I can. Below is a list of organizations that we have decided to help this year.
Large Animal Protection Society
Thanks to all the rescue groups & non-profits out there that do their part to help animals.
Much Love,
Kyley, Chincoteague Minnow, Chesapeake Lightning, Chesapeake Boomerang and Ammo the Dachshund