Posts Tagged ‘breyer
New in the Shop! Misty of Chincoteague Night Lights
Recently added to our online shop we now have Misty of Chincoteague Night Lights!

Shop online for our Misty Night Lights.
Breyer Model Clone
I had my suspicions before, but now I’m pretty certain that I have a “fan” at the Breyer Model Headquarters. Why you may ask? Because within the past few years several models have been popping up that bare an uncanny resemblance to Minnow & I.
First it was the Pony Games Set, Breyer’s very first mounted games rider and pony.
This model features a female rider with thick RED braids – tip off #1 that its me. When competing in mounted games I usually wear my hair (my RED hair) in 2 HUGE braids because trust me, you have never seen a red-head with as much hair as me. Not only that but the rider is on a pinto pony, that may not look exactly like Minnow’s clone, but there are some definite similarities.
Then a friend sent me over a link to the Art Class Set.
This model also includes a female artist with RED hair and a pinto pony. If that wasn’t enough, they come with paintbrushes and paint! Really!

Me and Three Future Breyer Models

Minnow says his sidekick Ammo the Dachshund has to be included too
Whatever Breyer’s reasoning behind these two models is, it’s certain that their “plan” has worked. Because I am now the proud owner of both of them! ha ha. 🙂
I’m really really hoping that my “fan” at the Breyer Headquarters is reading this, because Chincoteague Minnow would be more than HAPPY to model for your next “debut” mold of his likeness. Why not get the real thing? Complete with little Dachshund side-kick and all!
I bet it would sell out instantly! 🙂
What do you guys think? Should Minnow be a Breyer Model? Should Ammo be the first Dachshund mold? Does anyone else see the resemblances that I do?
Images from Breyer.