Chesapeake Boomerang
March 21, 2003 – April 14, 2024

It’s hard to know where to start, so I’ll start from the beginning. Boomer appeared in my life in 2007, when I needed him most. Just after my heart pony, Chincoteague Minnow, had been diagnosed with Ringbone and pronounced unrideable almost suddenly – I was left without a mount, and mourning that part of my life with him. Minnow and I went on to share so much more, but I missed riding and that connection it held. So the hunt began, for another Chincoteague Pony naturally.

Boomer’s older (by a year) 1/2 brother, Blitz, entered our lives first – but led us to find Boomer. It was exciting to bring these two siblings back together after several years apart – Blitz was in Maryland and Boomer was still living at the farm he was born at in North Carolina. We drove halfway to Virginia to meet him, and he instantly won me over when he walked me bravely through a wooded trail filled with obstacles he had never seen. His attempted bucks in the arena didn’t derail my excitement as I decided to bring him home to Pennsylvania.

Once home, Boomer (at just barely 5 years old) never hesitated to show me his sass, and agility. His bronco buck appeared (always without warning) as well as his utter distain for any bit in his mouth. But despite his air theatrics, he quickly won my heart with his willingness to try anything and everything with me and we grew to trust eachother more with every ride.

Over the many years together we tried just about everything you can do with a horse, mounted games, polocrosse, archery, mounted shooting, obstacle challenges, ranch sorting, team penning, extreme cowboy races – Boomer did it all! I wouldn’t say he was the most fearless pony (in fact he was always the lowest in the pecking order in the pasture), but he was fearless with me. Or shall I say, this pony would do just about anything for a treat.

Boomer’s love of food (which ultimately is what led us here because of his metabolic issues) made him my most accomplished trick horse. He mastered sitting on bean bag chairs, laying down, bowing (among many more) and his most memorable….flashing a toothy smile. I will always miss his happy grin in the barn, peeking over the stall door.

I still remember his first BIG trick performance in Chincoteague during Pony Penning week – where he was the fill-in for Minnow, who was still recovering from his most recent ankle injection. He was young, and unproven, but we had spent the beginning of the summer practicing non-stop and he knew what to do. I trusted him to do his tricks, but I had not anticipated how he would act with the crowds of people. He entered the small arena on the first night of performances hyped up like I had never seen him, he dove onto his pedestal and as the crowd cheered I asked him to shake hands. I’m fairly sure my eyes popped out of my head as I watched him rear straight up into the air and proceed to give me a high-five during mid launch. Needless to say he was a handful! But as the week went on he began to settle into the routine and by our last performance he just wanted to park on his bean bag chair and never leave.

Not long after I decided to test him again, and in 6 weeks time we would train to complete in Craig Cameron’s Extreme Cowboy Race. He continued to impress me with his ability to learn everything I asked of him, including flying lead changes, rollbacks, and more. Did I mention he was an english pony – not western trained in the slightest? Once again we entered an arena filled with large crowds and as they let out a cheer Boomer spun me around nervously. It was a lot to ask of my young pony, but I settled him (with a treat of course, because thats really all he wanted in life) and we got to work. He tried his little heart out racing around that arena for me, performing rollbacks just like the western ponies, and flying lead changes at just the shift of my seat. We took home 6th, making it into the preliminary and then final rounds against horses that had trained for years to compete in these races and among professional trainers. I was so proud of him.

As the years went on we continued to enjoy our adventures together, and patching him back together constantly as he dealt with lameness issues, and insulin problems and cushings. My mom, amazingly always there to research meds for him, and the very best of care to make sure we had tried every avenue to keep him happy and comfortable. She kept him fit for me when I was busy having my own kids, and enjoyed his company on the trail for many years as well.

One of my most favorite memories with him was on one of our trail rides – happily wandering the countryside with Boomer and my mom on Blitz. As we popped over the crest of a hill we were suddenly faced with an entire herd of loose cattle. With not a sole in sight, we decided to do what any one would have….herd them somewhere! We still laugh at the image of us rounding up cattle on horseback as the farmers eventually popped over the hill on 4-wheelers looking for their herd. I’m sure they could see how much fun we were having so they let us help herd them through streams and fields back to the pasture they had escaped from. Boomer especially loved the adventure as he nipped at the cows – finally finding an animal he could boss around.

In the last few years of his life, Boomer’s kind demeanor led him to be the caretaker of my children’s miniature horses. Himself, no longer able to tolerate eating grass, spent his days in the drylot with his two little minis, much the same that Minnow used to do as well too.

On his last day, he gorged on the lush spring grass to his hearts content, and ate buckets full of the sweetest grain we had. My daughter braided flowers in his mane, and we enjoyed the sunshine. He flashed me one last smile, and went peacefully at home on the farm with a mouthful of grain. Which is really all he wanted.

We will miss you always Boomer. xoxo. Keep smiling.
The Last Painting
This is the very last painting created by Chincoteague Minnow.

Minnow passed away peacefully at home on our family farm in Pennsylvania on October 29, 2020. He took a very special piece of my heart with him and left me with 18 years of amazing memories that I will never forget.
Minnow came into my life when I was 18 years old (He was 10). I had no idea then how deeply connected we would become over the years. While most people I meet who have an affinity for the Chincoteague Pony Breed say they fell in love with them after reading the famed Misty of Chincoteague Book – I on the other hand fell in love with the breed because of Minnow.

His kind eyes and willingness to try could never be outmatched. Lest I not forget that in his younger years – when we could be found tearing around the mounted games arena, fox hunting, playing polocrosse or trail riding – he was a powerhouse. His body was built like a tank (with tiny little legs) and when he made up his mind about going somewhere there was nothing you could do to stop him. I spent many of our early years hanging onto his mane for dear life as we raced around at top speed.

But his instinct for flight was not unstoppable – likely stemming from his wild roots – as he was born a wild pony on Assateague Island in Virginia in 1994. I never once doubted that I could “tame” this wild pony. It just took a little imagination.
A few years into our new found partnership I discovered a book on trick training. We dove head first into the world of tricks as Minnow learned to shake hands, play fetch, and bow. I had stumbled upon a language that allowed us to communicate and it forever changed my life and Minnow’s as well.

When Minnow was diagnosed with Ringbone in 2008 and deemed unrideable many would have given up on him. He was my best friend, and I refused to believe that it was the end for us.
Minnow picked up painting and we began to learn new tricks and skills that brought us closer together. In my early 20’s we spent much of our time training and touring around to fairs, expos, and our favorite – the annual Chincoteague Pony Swim every summer. We met hundreds of people who I like to think also fell in love with him as they took home a small piece of him in the form of a one-of-a-kind painting.

While each year Minnow’s body began to fail him just a little bit more, we spent some of the best years of my life connecting with each other and painting for anyone willing to watch.
Minnow was there through all of the major milestones in my life – high school graduation, college graduation, my wedding (he was the “flower pony”), and later the birth of my two daughters. He was the very first pony my girls met after they were born, and later took on the role of “protector” to the girls’ two miniature horses who lived in the stall with him.

Our endeavors with Painting Pony slowed in the past few years, as I got busy raising my young children and Minnow’s body continued to age. His steady limp that was always there became more evident as the years went on. We took him to New Bolton to have injections to help his joints fuse and bought him extra years of comfort in doing so. But through it all, we still painted. Stable flies, gnats, mosquitoes, ticks, lice, etc. are extremely annoying and can further harm him too so we use the Best Fly Spray For Horses that can provide complete protection.Â

On October 28, 2020 I brought his easel out for the last time. It was a warm fall day and my girls helped me ready his remaining few canvases I had in the barn loft as Minnow eagerly hung his head over the fence in anticipation. They went inside to have lunch and I was left to paint with my best friend. We painted with no one watching, no crowds, no onlookers – just us. Because that’s how it all began, just Minnow and I, doing something we loved together. And when he was done he gently placed his paintbrush on the easel ledge and walked away.

Forever in my heart, xoxo.
Chincoteague Minnow
1994 – 2020

How to Choose the Best Grazing Muzzle for Your Pony
A common saying among those that own Chincoteague Ponies is that they can get fat on a cement slab. Which pretty much means they can get overweight just by looking at grass!
It’s true that they are easy keepers, but they also love to eat in excess. Too much grass is not a good thing, and can cause laminitis among other issues.
Over the years of owning Chincoteauge ponies we’ve tried many methods to manage their weight during the months when the grass is very lush (which in our area can even be early spring and late into the fall). I thought it would be helpful to compile a list of all the different types of muzzles, along with their pros and cons, that we have tried over the years to help limit their grass intake. So remember these tips the next time you visit a store selling western tack.
Disclaimer: this is not a sponsored post, but it does contain some affiliate links. We are not biased towards any particular muzzles, and only chose the ones that work best for our ponies.
- inexpensive
- comes with an attached halter with velcro breakaway
- mid-height sides for the ponies that like to escape
- will stay on with added attachments for ponies that easily get out of muzzles
- “just” fits inside of Nelson automatic waterers
- several sizes available
- causes rubs with extended wear
- less breathability
- horses wear through the hole faster since plastic is thinner
- velcro on halter eventually wears out and needs to be taped
- inexpensive
- comes with attached halter with velcro breakaway
- extra high sides for ponies that like to escape
- will stay on with added attachments for ponies that easily get out of muzzles
- “just” fits inside of Nelson automatic waterers
- fun pink color (if you like pink)
- causes rubs with extended wear
- less breathability
- horses wear through the hole faster since plastic is thinner
- velcro on halter eventually wears out and needs to be taped
- Stronger plastic that appears to last much longer than other styles
- Holes can be customized for more or less access to grass
- can be molded to fit your horses’ unique shape
- Breathable design adds more air-flow
- several sizes available
- Expensive (but would likely last longer)
- difficult to mold (need hot water)
- we’ve had problems with horses that are really good at escaping getting these caught on things and even stuck in their mouths
- Have to purchase your own halter to attach it to
- does not fit inside Nelson automatic waterers
- can cause really bad rubs if not adjusted properly
- inexpensive
- has large breathing holes for extra comfort
- base is a mid-weight plastic that will last a little longer than the Shires or Best Friends muzzle
- shorter sides for improved airflow
- will stay on with added attachments for ponies that easily get out of muzzles
- “just” fits inside of Nelson automatic waterers
- can be purchased with or without attached halter
- short sides make it easy for ponies to escape (adding an attachment to the front can prevent this)
- causes rubs with extended wear
- not as many sizes available
Greenguard USA Grazing Muzzle:
- Stronger plastic that appears to last much longer than other styles
- Breathable design adds more air-flow
- several sizes available
- Loose fitting design adds comfort for horse
- Designed with more holes to give horse the feeling they aren’t being limited on grass
- expensive
- need to purchase a halter to go with it
- will cause rubs with extended wear and if not sized properly
- scooping sides are not ideal for ponies that can easily slip muzzles
- more holes give access to more grass
Tips and Tricks we’ve learned:
- Accessories for Ponies that Like to escape:Â check out our handy guide for how we add attachments to all our muzzles for the ponies that like to get out of them (ahem, Minnow)
- Rotating muzzles to eliminate rubs: there isn’t a single muzzle out there that isn’t going to rub your horse. When they’re wearing something all the time it’s going to rub them. We’ve found that by having 2 muzzles per pony and rotating between styles our ponies tend to get far less rubs, and stay happier in the long run.
- Add Padding: some of our ponies are more prone to rubbing, so we closely monitor which muzzles are hitting them where and have a stash of sheepskin and other accessories we duct tape onto the muzzles in these spots.
- Giving them time in a dry lot with little hay: no horse wants to wear a muzzle 24/7, so giving them a break in a stall or in a dry lot with token amount of hay keeps them happy. Our ponies spend their days in their stalls with access to a dry lot during the summer months.
What do we recommend?
After testing pretty much every muzzle on the market, we have picked out ones that work best for each of our ponies. Here’s our recommendations:
Minnow – our pony that can (and has) slipped every single muzzle we’ve tried on him. It’s a constant battle, but switching them up on him seems to do the trick. He wears the Best Friends Muzzle & the Tough 1 Muzzle currently.
Blitz – less inclined to slip a muzzle, and a pony that gets worked enough that sometimes he doesn’t have to wear his as often. He wears: Greenguard USA Muzzle & Best Friends Muzzle currently.
Boomer – he’s pretty tolerant of the muzzles, but every once in a while decides to slip them. He wears: Greenguard USA Muzzle & Best Friends Muzzle currently.
Know of any muzzles we haven’t tried yet? Send your recommendations our way, we love to hear about new products on the market!
Herding Cows on Horseback
Last month we took Blitz and Boomerang on a long trailride in one of the nearby nature preserves. Little did we know it would end up being one of our favorite adventures ever when we happened upon some loose cattle.
The further down the trail we got, the more cattle we started to see. We figured they had gotten out of someone’s pasture, but we weren’t sure where they belonged. We were DYING to herd them somewhere (just like real cowgirls) but it just didn’t seem like it was meant to be.
As we made our way towards home we couldn’t help ourselves with herding a few into a small cluster.
While we were taking the obligatory “cow selfie” the farmer who owned said cattle popped up over the hill in his truck to see our little cluster of cattle. Seeing that we were DYING to take our littler herd somewhere the farmer asked us if we minded helping him drive them back to their pasture. Um yes please! He didn’t have to ask us twice!
Check out the video:Â Herding Cows the Cowgirl Way with Painting Pony
Blitz and Boomerang chased stray cattle, moved them through a water crossing, and got them all safely back in their pasture.
When you live on the east coast (at least near us) herding cattle like this is not something you get to do everyday, especially in a real “farm” setting! It was a dream come true for us.
The farmers were very thankful for our helpful ponies, and we had the best trailride ever! If anyone else wants to “accidentally” let their cattle escape, you can totally call on the Painting Ponies to help you round them up!
Grazing Muzzle to Keep Ponies Happy
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by Greenguard USA and does contain some affiliate links. All opinions are my own and I only share products I think you and your horses will love.
If your ponies are anything like our ponies, then you probably struggle with keeping them at the ideal weight and protecting them from laminitis during the summer months when the grass is extra lush. Thanks to our new friends over at Greenguard USA our boys were able to test out one of the newest muzzles for horses on the market, the Greenguard Grazing Muzzle.
The Greenguard’s patented basket style muzzle comes with breakable (for safety) buckles which you can attach to your own halter. It’s also recommended to tape them in place with duct tape once you have them adjusted properly to keep it from sliding around. Stable flies, gnats, mosquitoes, ticks, lice, etc. are extremely annoying to the animal and harm their bodies in different ways too so using the Best Fly Spray For Horses can provide complete protection.
Blitz (on the left) tested out the horse size (he’s 14.1 hands tall) and Boomerang (on the right) tested out the cob size (he’s 13.3 hands tall). We found that with these muzzles it’s better to have them roomier, and Boomerang probably would have been a bit more comfortable in a horse size as well (also to prevent rubbing). We did eventually add some sheepskin padding to Boomer’s halter and the back of the muzzle to prevent rubs, which helped. It’s nearly impossible to prevent any and all rubs when your horse has to wear a muzzle – it’s just the nature of the beast! We’ve also found that rotating muzzle styles every few weeks helps to keep the rubs at bay.
As you can see in this shot of Blitz, the Greenguard muzzle fits loosely around your horses’ nose giving them more room to chew and makes breathing much easier (and cooler too!).
Other muzzles we have tried the ponies wear through the bottom pretty quickly.
The Greenguard muzzle is a much stronger/sturdier plastic which appears like it would likely last a lot longer than some of the traditional styles you might be used to seeing. I also noticed that overnight the traditional style muzzles tended to collect much more dirt and debris than the Greenguard ones, which seems like it would be a lot more comfortable to your horse.
All our horses have automatic (Nelson) waterers in their pastures, and during the summer we always make sure to give them a trough to drink from as well.
Once we found Boomerang (wearing a more standard style muzzle) caught on the automatic waterer, so it’s always a good idea to give your horse a trough if they are wearing a muzzle. The Greenguard muzzles don’t really fit inside the openings of the automatic waterers, so it’s especially important to make sure your horse has access to water.
We compared the Greenguard muzzle to one of the more traditional styles of muzzle to see how much grass our ponies were getting. As you can see the muzzle on the left allows the grass to pop up through one hole in the center, while the Greenguard muzzle on the right has a less amount of grass pop up in several different openings. We felt the Greenguard muzzle made the ponies move their mouths around more to get the grass which kept them busier, and intern happier about the fact that they had to wear a muzzle at all!
Even with the boy’s silly antics we haven’t noticed them trying to escape wearing the Greenguard muzzles at all. We haven’t tried it on our resident escapee pony, Minnow, who has gotten out of every single muzzle ever (even with our added “pony proof” gear). He seems to do better with a muzzle that has higher sides and we didn’t want to risk him slipping this one and having a problem.
The Greenguard Grazing Muzzle can be purchased on Amazon and comes in mini, cob, and horse sizes. (P.S. buddy Ammo the Dachshund couldn’t help himself and photobombed every single video I tried to shoot of the boys grazing, but he’s awfully cute isn’t he!)
Thanks for Greenguard for letting us test out their great muzzle on our boys!